We are arranged over 2 adjacent sites that are conveniently situated off Orpington High Street. Our buildings are a home from home settings that are fully air conditioned and have CCTV throughout. One site is for 0-2 year olds and the other is for ages 2 upwards. The children have access to a spacious outdoor and secure garden.
Please click on the links to visit both our sites.
Parent Contract
Registration Forms
Nursery Fees
Cookie Policy
15 Moorfield Road, Orpington BR6 0XD
George Day Nurseries Limited, 15 Moorfield Road, Orpington BR6 0XD
Ofsted Reg No: EY473226 15 | Company No. 07604983
Tel: 01689 829501. Email: orpingtondaynursery@aol.co.uk